Darwinia devs talk armageddon
The team is working on something new due for an April release. It's called Defcon, and it's a mixture of Missile Command with Wargames with Risk with Darwinia. It looks pretty cool.
The boys over at Eurogamer have managed to bag an interview with one of the creative chaps on the team, and his revelations about the game are rather interesting. Go check out the interview, here's an excerpt:
"Yeah, we're very excited by Office Mode. The basic idea is that a group of work-mates can start the game up in the morning in Office Mode, playing over their local area network. The game takes place entirely in real-time (you can quite easily end the world with nuclear conflict in eight hours) and each player controls one territory, e.g. North America or Russia. You can hit the Panic key (press escape twice) which immediately removes the game from the screen and places a discreet icon in your system tray. That icon changes when important things happen - for example if you detect some nuclear launches the icon will flash as a Nuke for a few seconds. Because everything is taking place in real-time you've got at least 30 minutes before those nukes land, so you've got plenty of time to respond without interfering with your real work too much."
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