

Apple Bluetooth worm Inqtana burrows wirelessly

Apple users who's already patched their Bluetooth box with last June's OS X security update 2005-006, don't have to worry. But, if you're one of the few out there who don't meet the aforementioned criteria, watch out. Apparently there's a new Bluetooth worm out called Inqtana that actually propagates to vulnerable OS X machines wirelesslessly, and moves on to the next. Sounds like F-Secure and Symantec don't believe Inqtana is anything more than a proof-of-concept worm right now (kind of like the Leap / Oompa Loompa OS X trojan going around right now), but being that it could easily be modified and turned into something a little more dangerous to your data and the fact that you should be updating your computer more than once every year, sounds like you should just take the two minutes and go get that Apple fix.

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