

Capcom goin' mobile 'n' global; Okami in US this summer

Following the internationally minded Gamers' Day event from Konami, Capcom also broke out the titles and release dates for its own Gamer's Day event in Las Vegas.

Japanese-flavored games like Okami (which finds a U.S. release date in the third quarter of this year) have yet to find success in the West, Capcom management is seeking to shake things up by injecting Western sensibilities into Japanese titles earlier in development, entering the American mobile market with 10 games by the end of 2006, and getting their traditionally arcade-centric teams to interact more with marketing in order to improve software sales.

Here's a lengthy interview with "Capcom's new boss in the States," Mark Beaumont, who shed a bit of light on Capcom's rationale for supporting the Xbox 360--despite its unpopularity in Japan (with Lost Planet and Dead Rising)--and its history of "launching franchises during previous transition periods." For the rest of GameSpot's coverage of the Gamer's Day event, just follow the link.

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