

Uwe Boll to be killed by 'Boll haters'

Euro Gamer talks to Uwe Boll, the German filmmaker, about his films, his critics and his portrayal in the media. One section in the interview Boll talks about a scene in his unreleased film of the game franchise Postal. Uwe Boll himself will make a minor cameo appearance in the film. That's if you consider his death a minor appearance. In the director's own words: "I get killed by my 'Boll haters'."

The interview strongly outlines Boll's anger at the media's reporting of his films. In particular, he's got a bone to pick with Internet-based games journalists. According to Boll "it's fashionable to hit on Uwe Boll, and this is what I don't get. And I don't get why this comes so harshly from the games press." We'll spell it out for you Mr. Boll. You make bad movies out of games. And we don't buy your "my earlier movies are better" argument, nor do we accept your "[be] happy that there's a movie getting made of a game" logic.

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that Boll's films deserve all the negative press they get. Bloodrayne and House of the Dead, Boll's latest movies, come in at 2.2/10 and 2.1/10 on the Internet Movie Database. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that for Boll to change his reputation, he'll need to work harder on his next victims, sorry, movies: FarCry, Postal and Fear Effect.

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