

Quad SLI gaming for cheapskates are not impressed with Dell's $10,000 pricetag for the XPS 600 Renegade system, so they decided to make their own custom built Quad SLI gaming rig. Breaking their imaginary system down, they found that the main areas essential for building a machine comparable in performance to the Renegade were:
  1. Duh, the Quad SLI graphics cards. A budget of around $2800 should set you up with a 4 card bundle.
  2. A Gigabyte Quad SLI motherboard to stick those four cards in, $240.
  3. Pentium 3.73GHz Extreme, $1300.
  4. 10,000 RPM Hard Drive and 2GB of branded RAM, $450.
  5. Battlefield 2 at 1600x1200 with graphics on full, priceless.

Chuck in a case, cooling, sound card, DVD drive and peripherals (keyboard, mouse and 2.1 speaker system) and you're looking at a budget of $6,000 for a well equipped Quad SLI system. That's around $2,000 less than the Renegade PC (sans the $2,199 30" widescreen monitor that Dell includes with their system) so you're not quite saving the $4,000 that the destructoid guys claim you will.

The obvious downsides to building your own Quad SLI rig include: the hassle of constructing the system and installing Windows yourself (although we're sure most people could do a better job than Dell) and the lack of a warranty, but before you think about these problems ask yourself the question: isn't that Mike Lavallee fire flame scheme worth two grand?

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